Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year

From Wilson Carney Sent: Wed 12/30/09 11:39 PM To:
i wish you and yours and all the blue ghosts a very happy year .i hope everyone has a better year in 2010 .we all need it. doc

Friday, November 27, 2009

US National Anthem by the Academy Choirs

Forwarded by Brian Stomps and Robert Wiggins.

"Have never heard it sung any better"

"I agree with Brian on this one, all others attempting this rendition should come off the attempts to add jazz, rap or operatic overtones and listen to this one first... hard to improve on"

26 (Bob Wiggins)

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Battle at Kruger

A battle between a pride of lions, a herd of buffalo, and 2 crocodiles at a watering hole in South Africa's Kruger National Park.

Monday, November 23, 2009


to all blue ghost have a happy thanksgiving and may all your holiday's be good ones.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Thomas Stillwell

       Thomas Stillwell posted this in the guest book. I think the door gunner was Fred Hersom.  John Shepardson or Fred should know? I remember the event, one of the few times I heard excitement in Doug Marett's voice.

"I wa flyig wit MAJ MARRIET feb 68. 155lb bomb exploted under our huey.Who was the door gunner that day?thanks Spc4 Stillwell 
Posted by Thomas stillwell on November 9, 2009 @ 4:29pm"

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Blueghosts 69-70
Joe Brown did the copying from my 8mm movies. Great Job Joe.
I was only able to get 6 min loaded up but I guess this will have to do for now.
Enjoy everyone.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Normandy, Then and Now

From Brian Stomps~
     You got to look at them all. Here is the real stuff. Our present administration has no clue of the past and what our military has done for this country.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Photos from Iraq

From Brian Stomps~
Good pictures, gives some insight into conditions and a general view of the country you would not get from the press.

This guy is a helicopter pilot and keeps his folks updated with his life in Iraq with photos.

Here is another set of pictures I've put together.   
I hope the file isn't too big. I'm flying a lot, which makes the time go by,
and is somewhat exciting at times.
The deployment is 27% done! I have about 252 days left ! Boy how time flies...
...Enjoy the pictures.
Attachment: IraqPPS.ppt

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


From:Victor Cook 

Have you seen this one before, if not… enjoy


It’s a PowerPoint presentation and if you do not have a viewer.  You can go to Microsoft and download the viewer.



 I Love it !!!


God Bless America!!!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

For Shifty from Chuck Yeager

Forwarded by Brian Stomps-

We're hearing a lot today about big splashy memorial services.

I want a nationwide memorial service for Darrell "Shifty" Powers.


Shifty volunteered for the airborne in WWII and served with Easy 

Company of the 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment, part of the 101st 

Airborne Infantry. If you've seen Band of Brothers on HBO or the 

History Channel , you know Shifty. His character appears in all 10 

episodes, and Shifty himself is interviewed in several of them.


I met Shifty in the Philadelphia airport several years ago. I didn't 

know who he was at the time. I just saw an elderly gentleman having 

trouble reading his ticket. I offered to help, assured him that he was 

at the right gate, and noticed the "Screaming Eagle," the symbol of 

the 101st Airborne, on his hat.


Making conversation, I asked him if he'd been in the 101st Airborne 

or if his son was serving. He said quietly that he had been in the 

101st. I thanked him for his service, then asked him when he served, 

and how many jumps he made.


Quietly and humbly, he said "Well, I guess I signed up in 1941 or so, 

and was in until sometime in 1945 .. . . " at which point my heart 



At that point, again, very humbly, he said "I made the 5 training 

jumps at Toccoa, and then jumped into Normandy . . . . do you know 

where Normandy is?" At this point my heart stopped.


I told him "yes, I know exactly where Normandy is, and I know what 

D-Day was." At that point he said "I also made a second jump into 

Holland , into Arnhem ." I was standing with a genuine war hero . . . . 

and then I realized that it was June, just after the anniversary of 


I asked Shifty if he was on his way back from France , and he said 

"Yes. And it's real sad because, these days, so few of the guys are 

left, and those that are, lots of them can't make the trip." My heart 

was in my throat and I didn't know what to say.


I helped Shifty get onto the plane and then realized he was back in 

Coach while I was in First Class. I sent the flight attendant back to 

get him and said that I wanted to switch seats. When Shifty came 

forward, I got up out of the seat and told him I wanted him to have 

it, that I'd take his in coach.


He said "No, son, you enjoy that seat. Just knowing that there are 

still some who remember what we did and who still care is enough to 

make an old man very happy." His eyes were filling up as he said it. 

And mine are brimming up now as I write this.


Shifty died on June 17, 2009 after fighting cancer.There was no parade.

No big event in Staples Center .

No wall to wall back to back 24x7 news coverage.

No weeping fans on television.

And that's not right.


Let's give Shifty his own Memorial Service, online, in our own quiet 

way. Please forward this email to everyone you know. Especially to the 



Rest in peace, Shifty. 

Chuck Yeager, MajGen. [ret.]


Thursday, September 3, 2009

Friday, August 28, 2009

Lung Cancer Surgery

Video by Jesse Brooks, C/3/21, 196th Light Infantry Brigade, Americal Division, 1968-69.

I found out Early, I had Lung Cancer. Went to Baltimore MD. for surgery. They removed the lower section of my right lung. I had quit smoking for 5 years, however I smoked for about 40 years. I hope people who see this will quit smoking. Your life is at risk! Thank God for allowing me to survive this

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Cajun's will love this

From Brian Stomps:

A Louisiana Cajun was stopped by a game warden because he had two ice chests full of fish.  He was leavin' a bayou, well known for its fishing. 
The game warden asked the man, 'Do you have a license to catch those fish?' 

'Naw, sir', replied the Cajun. 'I ain't got none of dem there licenses. You gotta unnerstan', dese here are my pet fish.' 

'Pet fish?' 

'Yeah. Evry night, I take dese here fish down to de lake and let 'em swim 'round for 'while. Den, when I whistle, dey jump right back into dis here ice chests and I take 'em home.' 

'That's a bunch of hooey! Fish can't do that.' 

The Cajun looked at the warden for a moment and then said, 'It's de truth Mr. Government Man. I'll show ya. It really works.' 

'O. K.', said the warden... 'I've got to see this!' 

The Cajun poured the fish into the lake and stood and waited. 

After several minutes, the warden says, 'Well?' 

'Well, what?', says the Cajun.. 

The warden says, 'When are you going to call them back?' 

'Call who back?' 

'The FISH', replied the warden! 

'What fish?', replied the Cajun. 

Moral of the story: We may not be as smart as some city slickers, but we ain't as dumb as some government employees. 

You can say what you want about the South, but you never hear of anyone retiring and moving north.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

*Staff Sergeant First Class John C. Beale* June 11, 2009

Video forwarded by Brian Stomps

Killed in action the week before, the body of *Staff Sergeant First Class John C. Beale* was returned to Falcon Field in Peachtree City , Georgia , just south of Atlanta , on June 11, 2009. The Henry County Police Department escorted the procession to the funeral home in McDonough , Georgia . A simple notice in local papers indicated the road route to be taken and the approximate time. This was filmed during the procession by a State Trooper.

There are many places in this land where people still recognize the courage and impact of total self-sacrifice. Georgia remains one of those grateful places.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Vietnam War Combat Steve Lintl, where the heck are you?

Video by John Wolf, Company D, 1/20th Infantry, Americal Division, 1970-71

Vietnam War Combat Sgt. Steve Lintl was a Platoon sergeant when I arrived in Vietnam to join an infantry unit. Steve rarely broke a smile, or at least to me, he was all business. I am proud to have served with and under Sgt Lintl; he was a leader, a brave soldier and someone everyone looked up to. I also thank him for saving my life.

Vietnam War Combat FB Bronco & LZ Liz

Video by John Wolf, Company D, 1/20th Infantry, Americal Division, 1970-71

Vietnam War Combat Remembering FB Bronco & LZ Liz south of Chu Lai. Bases for 23rd Infantry, 11th Brigade. LZ Liz was home for the 1/20, and the home of Delta Company. Hope this brings back only good memories, the bad ones need to stay there.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Wilson Carney Photos

Bunker at Hawk Hill circa 1967.

Photos from Wilson Carney, Blue Ghosts Medic, 1967-68. These are the Blues. If anyone remembers names, please add.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Victor Cook's Army Patches


Submitted by Victor Cook, BlueGhost 12CE, 1967-68. These patches represent the units Victor was assigned to during his service in the US Army. They are displayed in a shadow box in Victor's home.


Copyright-2009, Victor Cook


Attachment: VicPatches.pdf
Attachment: VicsMinigun68.jpg
Attachment: Victor Cook.bmp

Monday, June 1, 2009

Looking For

Wilson Carney, Blue Ghosts Medic 1967-68, writes:

Personal Message looking for Jun 1, '09 4:55 PM
for users blueghostred and pcbreezeman
bill i would to know if you or anyone have heard from ken pack/frank woods/james cray/dave peeler.they were there when i was.i saw dave peeler 10 yrs ago but i would like to know about the others.
Wilson, Ken Pack signed in a few months ago and posted his email. I haven't heard from him or the others recently.  I will post this on the blog so they might see and respond.


Thursday, May 21, 2009

Memorial Day 2009

       As Memorial Day approaches, we take this opportunity to document a remembrance of our Blue Ghosts comrades who died in service to this country.  A list of Blue Ghosts killed in action during the period 1967-73 is attached.


Attachment: BlueGhost KIA.pdf

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Vietnam: Go-Go Dancer

Video by Vietnam Veteran, "borntowander"

Filmed in 1970, this video shows a lovely and talented go-go dancer performing in a Saigon nightclub as a live band plays "Purple Haze" and "Who'll Stop the Rain." If only the band played music as well as she dances...

Oh, if I'd only know you then!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Vietnam War Patrols

Video by Jesse Brooks, C/3/21, 196th Light Infantry Brigade, Americal Division, 1968-69.

A collection of photos from members of Co. C 3rd-21st 196th LIB Credit is due to men of Charlie Tigers. Remember to support todays Military!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Ruthless Riders Reunion

Start:     Aug 12, '09
End:     Aug 16, '09
Location:     Orlando, Florida
7/17th Air Cavalry

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Ken Wilson~Reunion Photos 2009, 2008 and 2007

Photos taken by Ken at the Nashville Reunion April 2-4, 2009, the Louisville Reunion in 2008 and the Branson Reunion in 2007.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Pat Armstrong ~ Scout Crew Chief 1967-68

        It has been reported that Pat Armstrong, an original Blue Ghost, has become seriously ill, suffering a stroke and heart attack.  Apparently this occurred in March 2009 and was reported to John Brown, President of the F Troop 8th Cavalry Vietnam Veterans Association, who posted this information in a private forum on another web site, thus we were unaware of Pats’ situation. Anyway, here is a posting dedicated to Pat with prayers for his speedy recovery.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Mike Bass - C Model Gunship Door Gunner

     Bill Brady relates that he has found his door gunner, Mike Bass, and thanks everyone for their help. Carter Davis, Bill Brady and Mike Fiske, among others, have been on the lookout for Mike for quite a while now. They did not remember his first name but remembered that he was shot in the foot and evacuated in February 1968 while serving as a C Model gunship door gunner.  Welcome Home Mike.

     Carter is still looking for his door gunner, Black, who was wounded and evacuated to Japan on May 7, 1968.  No one recalls Blacks’ first name but here’s hoping  that they can find Black or at least account for him. When last seen, Black was at the aid station on Hawk Hill and had suffered a severe wound to his shoulder from  .51 caliber machine gun fire.

Randolph Michael Bass 
05/27/10 at 01:24 PM


I arrived in RVN in Oct ,1967 with 14th avn group, then volunteered for c troop 7/17 and moved to Chu Lai where I served as crew chief/door gunner, in Feb 1967 at the start of the TET offensive, I was wounded, the gunner was Bill Brady that day. I was the sent to Ft Campbell Ky to the hospital. I am now retired and live in Ky and through the blue ghost i was reunited with Bill Brady and Mikel Fisk. Thanks for the help.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Men of Co C 3 21 196th

Video by Jesse Brooks, C/3/21, 196th Light Infantry Brigade, Americal Division, 1968-69.
Showing mostly men of Company C. A few others are shown also to relate to the area and time.
Glad most made it home.Remember those that Gave All !! Welcome home to ALL.
Remember today's military men and women of all branches.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Service Memories 1966-88

Bob Duffy, Carter Davis on Hawk Hill in 1968. C- Model 737, "Hog"

Aircraft 66-0737
This is the aircraft I was flying on 5 May 68 when I was shot in the left foot at Western Valley near LZ Center.

Photos by Carter Davis, Blue Ghosts 1967-68. Carter was an original Blue Ghost who deployed to RVN aboard the USNS General Nelson M. Walker. He was from Parma, Missouri and served as a crew chief/ door gunner on a UH-1C gunship. On May 5, 1968, in combat operations near Landing Zone Center, Carter and his door gunner, SP5 Black, were hit by .51 caliber machine gun fire and wounded. Both were medically evacuated to Japan. His pilot was Cpt. Ron Grooms, the gun platoon leader. These images span the twenty two years of Carters' service in the US Army.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Blueghost737 Reminisces

  Remembrances by Carter Davis, Original Blue Ghost 1967-68Fellas,
This is a little something I put together from journal and my memory. Even after I finished it I keep recalling things I didn't remember but left out. I am starting a note pad here. As I remember I will write it down.
Enjoy my article.

Blueghost737, Carter Davis

Attachment: Blueghost737(a).pdf

Warbirds by Kevin

Check out these photos of warbirds posted by Kevin.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Chu Lai, Vietnam 1968 Pacex - Americal Division

The Americal Division Pacex unit received goods from the U. S. and Japan and issued them to the various Units in the area. Personnel for the Pacex unit was made up of temporary assignees from all branches of the service. Fifty Vietnamese nationals were hired to support warehousing and distribution of the goods. This video was taken during the evening search prior to taking the workers back to the village.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Chu Lai RVN Stand Down 1968

Video by Jesse Brooks, C/3/21, 196th Light Infantry Brigade, Americal Division, 1968-69.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

2009 Blue Ghost Reunion

Start:     Apr 2, '09
End:     Apr 4, '09
Location:     Nashville, TN.
The Blue Ghost annual reunion will be held at the Holiday Inn Select Opryland near the Airport, Nashville, TN. Reservations are now being accepted for "Blue Ghost Reunion" at (615) 883-9770. Rates are $99 per night.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Reunion 2009

Have received several inquiries about the 2009 reunion in Nashville, TN. Thus far, information on this event has not been forthcoming.
If you have details about this event, please post here or on the main page under the Calendar of Events. I am sure the fellows who are planing  the event are doing an excellent job and the reunion will be a great success as always.

Update-The Blue Ghost annual reunion will be held at the Holiday Inn Select Opryland near the Airport, Nashville, TN. Reservations are now being accepted for "Blue Ghost Reunion" at (615) 883-9770. Rates are $99 per night.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Ghost Riders in the Sky -

The gentleman on the right singing and playing the fiddle once served as a Blue Ghost. He has requested anonymity for the time being.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Vietnam War Blue Ghost Air Cavalry - A Tribute

Video by Jesse Brooks, C/3/21, 196th Light Infantry Brigade, Americal Division, 1968-69. .“We worked with you guys on occasions.I put together a slideshow tribute to Blue Ghosts. Hope you like the music to it. I used a couple of my pics as well as photos from your albums.Thanks for all the support to us Grunts! Welcome Home.”

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

BlueGhosts and Blackhawks

While looking for the first name of C Model gunship door gunner Bass, who was shot in the foot in February 1968, I came across these excerpts from the 1/1 Armored Cavalry year book for 1967-68 containing names of some BlueGhosts who flew in support of that squadron. The names of those BlueGhosts are indicated in bold letters.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Looking for Dave Anderson/Andersen

I planned nighthawk missions for F Troop in Chu Lai, flying many of the missions as a crew member. Dave was the pilot. Timeframe April - Sep 1970. Mitch

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Blue Ghost Roster

This Blue Ghost Roster was originated by Dick Crawley in 1988 and was up to 225 names when it was taken over by John Williamson. 

Monday, January 5, 2009

Vietnam War-F Troop 8th Cavalry Blue Ghost 1970

Video by Joe Brown. Joe made this video from Ray Graver’s 8mm film that Ray’s family had. Ray was KIA in 1970.

Saturday, January 3, 2009


I was there 67-68 1/1 armored cav. My track was hit by Tam Key Aug.25 68. I lost rt. arm some B. G. guys stopped by and said hi went I was in hospt. Worked with you guys quite a while we enjoyed are time with you.
Welcome home.

spec. 4 Dale Bravo 4

Norman Crago

Came to C trp 7/17 in Feb. 68 along with Crago and Louis Bradley, I was shot down Mar.16 68 while flying with Jack Shanahan and Bill Brady, lost all contact with Shanahan and Brady until I found them on the Blueghost site, have spoken to both. Heard that Bradley was KIA, was good friend, last contact with Crago was in Chu Lai in 70 at F troop area while serving my second tour, no contact since, does anyone know what became of him? Crago, Bradley and myself first met at Ft. Campbell in 67 with the 101st airborne and all came to Nam together, last known area Crago lived in was Akron Ohio, any info on this "turkey"?

Friday, January 2, 2009

Migration to Multiply

January 2, 2008- Migration of this Blue Ghost Group to Multiply is completed. It appears that all entries, photos and web pages were successfully transferred even though it is somewhat scattered. It will take a while to sort it all out. Meanwhile you are welcome to open an account and post whatever you like.