Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Joe Johnson - Scout Crew Chief

From Victor Cook

To: Bill Hatch   February 22, 2011

Good afternoon Bill,


I received this message from James Beauford.  I wanted to pass this sad bit of information to you.



-----Original Message-----
From: jbeauford
Tuesday, February 22, 2011 10:09 AM
To: vcook
Subject: Joe Johnson


Hey Victor,

           Just thought I would let you know that Joe Johnson was killed in a helicopter crash several years after we left Viet Nam. The person I talked with lived in Alabama and  said she went to high school with Joe. She said he went to Germany after he got back, but didn't know if he got killed in Germany or went back to Viet Nam and was killed there. Just thought I would let you know.


                                                                  Take care, James


I found a military crash aircraft website and copied this information.  I have been trying to find an obit for Joe and have having some problems.  I know he was from Elba, Alabama.  However, he was married to Mary and lived in Brantley, Al. 



CW2 Larry N. Sain [P] Mar 5,1975

CW2 Larry N. Sain [P] SP6 Joseph H. Johnson SP5 Everett W. Wancura SP4 Bengt E. Johanson SP4 Daniel V. McGrew P injured 55 AVN A/C struck a power line and crashed into a small tributary of the North Han River near Chuncheon at 1030 hours Huey accident in Korea




                                            (This Photo was posted in 2005)

Blue Ghost Photos


Specialist 5th Class Joseph E. Johnson, Elba, Alabama served as a Scout Platoon crew chief and door gunner in 1967-68. Was twice awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross and received two awards of the Purple Heart.

Does anyone know the whereabouts of this man?