F/8th Cav is alive and well. The troop was redesignated as 6-8 Cav. 6th Squadron is currently deployed. Their home base is Fort Stewart. They will be having a ceremony for the presentation of a Valorous Unit Award that was approved 39 years after the fact.
I found the unsigned recommendation, got it signed and submitted, and followed it thru the process. 1-14 Avn, the successor to 14th Avn Bn, had their ceremony on 20 May. F/8th was attached to 14th CAB during Operation Lam Son 719. Although they didn't fly in Laos, their support to Dewey Canyon II, the Vietnam side of the op warranted the award.
Doug Womack
Attachment: 089-10_20100330_HRCMD-14thAvnBn (6).pdf