Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Norwich Bulletin


  1. Jack,       The attachment or link to the Norwich Bulletin will not show on my screen. Try submitting again.  I would like to see the Bulletin as I knew several fellows who went there.  I think George Briggs, Blue Ghost, 67 did!

  2. This message has been deleted by the manager or assistant manager.

  3. Here is the link to Arnold Holm in Jack Kennedy's message. Links - ARNOLD HOLM.  Blue Ghost Arnold Holm and crew were shot down in June 1972 and are still there. We need them  brought home. 34 years is an excessively long time. Can you imagine the pain and suffering of their family members all these years.  They should have been found and brought home years ago.  We simply have not done enough to find these men.  Our crew of James Phipps, Ranier Ramos, Warren Newton and Fred Secrest, shot down on January 9, 1968, are still there, their remains scattered on the north side of a small hill in the Que Son Valley.
