Tuesday, August 7, 2007



Photos submitted by Victor Cook, scout crew chief and door gunner 1967-68. Vic made these photos in RVN and had them send home where they remained until 2007 when he viewed them for the first time. Billy McKenzie was the scout platoon leader, Blue Ghost Red, in 1967.


  1. Victor, was with you in Ft Knox and Pleiko and Chu Lai until the end of JaN 68, was Maj Merritt and Shepardson's Crew Chief, enjoyed the pictures, i have a few will try to get them posted soon. Fred Hersom

  2. Does anyone know where Dale is? Fred Hersom

  3. Hello Fred, Welcome, We have not heard from Dale Morris. John Shepardson checks in often. The last I heard from Doug Marett, he was retired in South Carolina. Victor and others have been inquiring about you for a couple of years now, so I am glad that you are here. Do you have any information on Joe Johnson?

  4. Have no info on Joe Johnson, sure wish we could find him. Have pictures of our Helicopters on 'Air craft carrier Breton on way to Viet NAM. Will get them posted soon, am having problems with my scanner.Hope to be coming to the reunion with Fred Nicely, take care, Fred
