Where is John Brown?
Note: July 4, 2008--John has disappeared. He does not respond to emails nor telephone calls. I fear he has become indisposed. He was last seen in the reunion videos holding a microphone and addressing the gathering. Perhaps someone should check on Brother John. He could have been arrested or fallen ill. Hope that he is ok! John H. Brown (birds@epix.net);
July 16, 2008--Eureka! Received an email from John in re the passing of Ron Nishita. John relates that "we are on it" as far as sending flowers for the funeral and memorial service. John is the newly elected president of the F Troop 8th Cavalry Vietnam Veterans Association and I am sure that he will do a good job. He has a lot of interest in the history of Blue Ghosts and the preservation of its legacy, something his predecessor seemed to be lacking. Perhaps he will post on the message board every once in a while and let us know what he is up to.
November 7, 2008--John has gone silent again as we have not heard from him since July 16, 2008 on the occasion of the death of Blue Ghost Ron Nishita. As president of the F Troop 8th Cavalry Association, we know that he is a very busy man, however, we wish that he would at least say hello once in a while. It would be entirely appropriate if he did so, after all, the last time I checked, this was indeed a Blue Ghost web site. Maybe in John’s view, there are some Blue Ghosts that are important and some that are not.
February 22, 2009~ Still no word form our sagacious F Troop 8th Cavalry Vietnam Veterans Association President, John Brown. He has been observed posting up a storm on several other Blue Ghost web sites and even the 7/17th Cavalry site, but he avoids participation on this site. Even though he lurks here often, Mr. Brown will not post reunion information nor any other news that he might have. His favorite place to post seems to be a private forum on the PX web site in which one has to become a member to have access . In the opinion of this forum, Mr. Browns’ conduct of his office is totally unacceptable, unnecessary and in direct contravention to the by laws of the very association to which he is the president. We certainly do not need to be a secret society hiding in a private forum headed by a select few. If Mr. Brown has some sort of problem or disorder perhaps he should seek treatment. He is clearly straying across the line of accepted conduct.
Note: Update-It has come to light that Mr. Brown and Mr. Buckley have made financial contributions to the web site with the private forum, Blue Ghost.commercial, thus they both have a stake in the endeavors of that site. This goes a long way in explaining their public comments and attitude in re Blue Ghost web sites. They both have less than an arms length interest in promoting one web site over another. This type of bias indicates a less than legitimate intent to promote the legacy of the Blue Ghosts and runs counter to the stated purpose of the veterans association.
May 25, 2009 ~ Apparently Mr. Brown has completed his tenure as president of the F Troop 8th Cavalry Vietnam Veterans Association and rode off into the sunset. We still hope to hear from him some day and wish him well in his future endeavors. A new president, Richard Gustafson, has been elected and we wish Gus much success in the coming year. I am sure Gus will keep us fully informed on the association activities.
February 12, 2010~ Brian Stomps has supplied and posted considerable information about the upcoming reunion. Dick Crawley had send out an email with reunion information to the vast email list that he complied over the past ten years. He even included an attachment with the registration form. That email along with all the other information has been posted in several locations on this site, therefore, it appears that as usual, the fellows putting on the reunion are doing a very good job of getting the word out and that is a very good thing.
June 11, 2010~John Brown has reported that he has been diagnosed with a carotid aneurysm and will have to have surgery. I contacted John and sent him best wishes to get well. He wrote back and indicated that he is very uncomfortable and stressed. I went through the aneurysm diagnosis a few years back and it is a serious situation. Over the past couple of years, I have written extensively about him in these pages and got on to him quite a bit about his activities and although it was mostly tongue in cheek, I intend to suspend that activity. John now needs our support and prayers to get through his ordeal and he certainly has mine.
December 8, 2010~John seems to have recovered fully. He has become super active on facebook with many comments, observations, weather reports and photos.
March 30, 2011~John reports on facebook that he now has Lyme Disease and is on drugs.
June 1, 2011~John has hid his facebook comments.
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