Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Dusty Holm

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  1. That is a very disappointing development. From what I have read about DNA extraction and testing, it seems that extracting human DNA from human bone fragments is attainable. I wonder if it is possible to have this process duplicated by a second independent laboratory?

  2. Vietnam site DNA test inconclusive

    Author: BRAD RHEN Staff Writer Lebanon Daily News
    Date: December 16, 2008
    Publication: Daily News, The (Lebanon, PA)

    A North Cornwall Township woman who has been waiting more than 36 years to have her husband's remains returned from Vietnam received some bad news yesterday. Margerete Holm, whose helicopter-pilot husband, Army Capt. Arnold Holm Jr., was shot down in Vietnam in 1972, said she was informed that the bone particles that were recovered from her husband's crash site could not be identified.

    "They tried to analyze the remains they recovered, and the bones were too badly burned."
