Friday, March 26, 2010

2010 Reunion

Have hotel reservations for me and the wife.  Looking forward to seeing everyone at the reunion, just wish more were coming.




  1. Sure hope there are a lot of "Last Minute Larry's" Last I checked, there were 19 reservations. I had a bunch of Polo shirts (all sizes) with Blueghost Logo and some baseball caps made. Sure hope I can break even.

  2. Carter, there is still a month to go, so as Dick says, "maybe there will be a lot of "last minute larry's." Dick needs to sell all of his shirts and caps.

    There are a lot of valid reasons why some of these men cannot make a long trip to a reunion. For all of you fellows that are going, be sure and take a lot of photos and video. A video with sound is the next best thing for those who cannot attend. We can post all the video that you can get.

    Here is a post from a fellow BlueGhost from last year in regards to the reunion video.

    paulpalm666 wrote on Feb 6, '09
    "I loved the footage but with sooooo many years that have passed since my tour I'm afraid that I didn't recognize anyone ( we've change with age). Do you think that for future presentation maybe you could have a section of the clip could be set aside for introductions ??? I was thinking that what would maybe be nice would be to have a mike set up in front of the camera and have guests introduce themselves, probably with a short history of when they were in nam and maybe what their job was. Maybe a couple of minutes of what they remember from their tour, and what they have done since and are doing now. Just a suggestion . I probably know some of the people that were on the clip , anyway , great work."

  3. Hope to see you, and ALL, Still looking forward to being there. PACMAN, Kenneth Pack.
