Received an e-mail from Victor Cook last week. Vic was an original Blue Ghost and a crew chief door gunner in the scout platoon, Blue Ghost 12. Vic has several photos from the time at Fort Knox that he will send. Said that he had photos of Scouts, David Kemp, Robin Davis, Joe Johnson, Ron Osgelbsy and SFC DeLoach.
Vic wanted to know if anyone remembers who the Captain was that flew the UH-1C Hog gunship, call sign Blue Ghost 22, in 67-68. Vic says that BG 22 always flew cover for BG 12 when he was flying as a door gunner with pilot Bob Pruett and observer Sgt Beauford
I donĂ¢t recall who Blue Ghost 22 was. Can anyone help?
This could have been Cpt Grooms. I don't recall his callsign, nor if we flew cover for BG12 all the time. I was flying with Cpt Grooms onUH-1C Hog gunship aircraft 737 on 5 May 68 when I was shot in left foot. I believe Howard Daugherty flew Hog gunship all the time and might know more as he survied the whole year.
ReplyDeleteCarter, I think that Ron Groom’s call sign in May 68 was Blueghost White. Ron became the gun platoon leader and assumed the new call sign when Jack Burden left. He may have been 22 before that but I am not sure. He left about June for another assignment and a new captain came in. I don’t remember his name. I have seen on Gregg Ross’s web site that he was also BlueGhost 22, this was probably after Grooms left.
ReplyDeletemaybe we can resolve this at the reunion in Nashville.
ReplyDeleteMaybe so. Wonder what ever happened to Grooms?