Thursday, November 29, 2007

Eagles Up

Emailing: Eagles Up! - Patriot Event Network.htm‏
From: Adam Mouton (
Sent: Wed 11/28/07 4:51 PM
To:  (; BlueGhosts -
Thought Blue Ghost might want to post reuninion info and any other events.
Blue 31  MSG Adam Mouton
Patriot Event Network PDF Print E-mail
Saturday, 24 November 2007


Contact: Michael Connelly
\n language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript'> This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript'> ">This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Milwaukee, WI

Eagles UP! Launches the Patriot Event Network: Patriot Organizations Gain Power to Affect Change from the Grass Roots UP.

Need to attract thousands of other motivated patriots to your organization, at absolutely no cost whatsoever? Eagles UP! is a pro-American organization focusing on supporting American troops in harms way.  As part of that effort Eagles UP! has created The Patriot Event Network.

Support our troops. Protect our borders. Defeat radical Islam. Restore Christmas to our culture and oppose all who choose to weaken or threaten our great nation.  Patriots can now band together in support of America.

In spite of the turnout of over 30,000 patriot counter-protestors in Washington D.C. on March 17, 2007, where Americans in support of the troops out-numbered the anti-war protestors 6 to 1, just seven months later on October 27, 2007 in Chicago, Code Pink, International ANSWER and other anti-American forces rallied in eleven cities across America. Estimates fall between 3,000 and 5,000 anti-war protestors in Chicago who marched against our nation. Fewer than 50 patriots appeared to counter the anti-America message of the protestors. That day it was apparent something more needed to be done to get our pro-American message out to those citizens still lost in the mall, and the idea for The Patriot Event Network crystallized.

“In talking with other members of our small group in Chicago that afternoon, I discovered there were a number of different patriotic organizations represented.  Eagles Up, GoE, Vets for Freedom, Chicago Minutemen Project, Minutemen Midwest, The Band of Mothers, and more.  Different groups with different emphases, yet all patriots with a desire to defend our great nation,” said Michael Connelly, Board Member and Webmaster for Eagles UP! “We recognize there are countless organizations sprouting up everyday with motivated individuals whose interests and beliefs are pro-American and who will stand up against the anti-American elements in our society, if they know about events in time to rally their members.”

The Patriot Event Network is a simple online event calendar designed to share information with all worthy pro-American organizations.  Each organization will have total control over what is scheduled through its own account access.  Visitors to all member sites will be able to view events in their area scheduled by all of our member organizations. And, calendar viewers will be able to easily filter and view all coming events by state and for their individual organization. 

Eagles Up! asks all patriotic organizations to share in the success of bringing our messages to America. We can do that by helping each other. Take the first step today by contacting Eagles UP! at \n language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript'> This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript'> ">This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it to receive your free Patriot Event Network account and receive links to downloadable user documentation, as well as a choice of patriotic banner links to your calendar.

Also, as an added incentive, all organizations joining the Patriot Event Network between now and Christmas 2007 will be Charter Members.  As a Charter Member each organization can submit a banner link for its site, which will be prominently displayed on a special Charter Member page at Eagles Up!  In addition, the Charter member Patriot Event Network account remains free of any cost as long as the organization remains active.

Eagles UP!
Michael Connelly

Board Member and Webmaster for Eagles UP!

Eagles Up always reserves the right to reject any organization which

1 comment:

  1. Fw: fyi: UJP anti-war protest in DC 3/19/08‏ From: Adam Mouton ( Sent: Tue 12/11/07 3:51 PM To: (
    ----- Original Message -----
    > This is a "Heads Up" to be ready to counter the upcoming Anti-War Protest
    > in Washington, DC 03-19-08!
    > Click on link below and read what these American Hate Groups have in store
    > for the USA.
    > More to follow as we get closer to the date.
    > Subject: FYI: UJP Anti-War Protest in DC 3/19/08
    > see story entitled, "2008: a critical year for peace and justice"
