Wednesday, June 11, 2008


I don't know how I was lucky enough to find this site.  I was the Company Clerk for F/8th Cav in 1969, when it was under the command of Major Paul R. Stalker (The Midnight Stalker).  As time has passed. so have many of the names of my fellow service-man.  I was initially assigned to HHC, l23d Aviatrion  Bn, 16th Avn Gp, Americal Div for about 7 months, and I requested a transfer to F/8th Cav, and DEROSed from there Nov/Dec '70(arrived in-countr y May '69).  I was wondering if anyone out there knows where I can purchase a F/8th Blueghost patch.  I live in Louisville, Kentucky.  If I had known this site/group existed I could have attented your reunion earlier this year.  Hopefully I can "run" into some former troops, or just meet some new ones who shared the same experiences.  Thanks for taking the time to read this!

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